Programs for Community Groups

For Everyone

Everyday many of us unknowingly battle stress, anxiety, mood swings, which may lead to mental health problems if not dealt effectively.
To help everyone in such situations, we conduct programs with community groups like a footy club, book club, Men’s shed, a Rotary club or an office .
We will come to you, free of charge, but with an expectation of your 100% commitment.

Your Commitment

You should commit for three group sessions of 90 minutes each, spread a month apart. In these sessions, you will know practical tools to enhance mental health and build emotional resilience, so you can help yourself and others.

What You Get by Attending

“A New You”

You will discover a better version of yourself, with a new outlook.
Happier, mentally strong and emotionally equipped to effectively handle everyday battles.
Supported and more able to support others around you.

Mainly, you will have a strong emotional foundation for your future,
and, a mindset which will help you to get closer to your desired life.

Thought to live by

Thought to live by

Kindness is contagious.

Thought to live by

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thought to live by

Happiness is needing less. Unhappiness is wanting more

Thought to live by

You are amazing. Remember that.

Thought to live by

Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life

Thought to live by

Collect moments, not things.