We understand you

Even though we know little about you
You are….a young student, a working mother, a husband, a dad, a single person, or a tradesman or business owner, teacher, or a house maker….you are someone who wears one or more hats

We understand that you have some happy moments, some difficult…
You are too busy or bored, connected or alone, healthy or fighting some bug, stressed or in control….
At times, a lot is going on your mind, you wish things could be different
You recognize that something is not right but unsure of what to do or whether to get help…

In such moments, it is most important to remember that You Matter.
In these moments, ‘what we do’ in Mission Zero, MATTERS.

Is Mission Zero for Me?

Mission Zero is for those who, at times, experience moments when things don’t go their way or face crossroad moments when choices made have long term impacts – positive or negative….

In such moments are the seeds which either help us in some way or trouble us for long time and potentially trigger some mental health issues….

Mission Zero is for everyone who wants to be psychologically, emotionally stronger, so they can have tools to manage these critical moments more effectively, choose paths to experience better outcomes for themselves and others around them.

Thought to live by

Thought to live by

Kindness is contagious.

Thought to live by

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thought to live by

Happiness is needing less. Unhappiness is wanting more

Thought to live by

You are amazing. Remember that.

Thought to live by

Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life

Thought to live by

Collect moments, not things.