What We Do

We conduct short group programs, designed by us, for schools and community groups. Our typical program consists of 3 sessions, 90 minutes each, spread one month apart.
Through these programs, we share tools to make one psychologically stronger, so they can manage their emotions in much better way, resulting in better outcomes for themselves and people around them.
Our program is free of jargon, free of fees….
Yes, we do it for free, as our contribution to society.

How We Work

We believe in every individual.
We focus on possibilities.
Our approach to building emotional resilience is simple, quick and result-driven based on how much you put into practice.
We share this approach through our interactive group programs.
We also work closely with other mental health organisations and are planning some new exciting initiatives in coming months.

Thought to live by

Thought to live by

Kindness is contagious.

Thought to live by

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thought to live by

Happiness is needing less. Unhappiness is wanting more

Thought to live by

You are amazing. Remember that.

Thought to live by

Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life

Thought to live by

Collect moments, not things.